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This is the description of the Improv Wi-Fi protocol using a serial port.

The device needs to be connected to the computer via a USB/UART serial port.

The protocol has two actors: the Improv service running on the gadget and the Improv client.

The Improv service will receive Wi-Fi credentials from the client via the serial connection.

The Improv client asks for the current state and sends the Wi-Fi credentials.

Packet format

All packets are sent in the following format:

Byte Purpose
1-6 Header will equal IMPROV
8 Type (see below)
9 Length
10...X Data
X + 10 Checksum

The packet types are:

Type Description Direction
0x01 Current state Device to Client
0x02 Error state Device to Client
0x03 RPC Command Client to Device
0x04 RPC Result Device to Client

Packet: Current State

Type: 0x01
Direction: Device to Client

The data of this packet is a single byte and contains the current status of the provisioning service. It is to be written to any listening clients for instant feedback.

Byte Description
1 current state

The current state can be the following values:

Value State Purpose
0x02 Ready (Authorized) Ready to accept credentials.
0x03 Provisioning Credentials received, attempt to connect.
0x04 Provisioned Connection successful.

Packet: Error state

Type: 0x02
Direction: Device to client

The data of this packet is a single byte and contains the current status of the provisioning service. Whenever it changes the device needs to sent it to any listening clients for instant feedback.

Byte Description
1 error state

Error state can be the following values:

Value State Purpose
0x00 No error This shows there is no current error state.
0x01 Invalid RPC packet RPC packet was malformed/invalid.
0x02 Unknown RPC command The command sent is unknown.
0x03 Unable to connect The credentials have been received and an attempt to connect to the network has failed.
0xFF Unknown Error

Packet: RPC Command

Type: 0x03
Direction: Client to device

This packet type is used for the client to send commands to the device. When an RPC command is sent, the device should sent an update to the client to set the error state to 0 (no error). The response will either be an RPC result packet or an error state update.

Byte Description
1 Command (see below)
2 Data length
3...X Data

RPC Command: Send Wi-Fi settings

Submit Wi-Fi credentials to the Improv Service to attempt to connect to.

Type: 0x03
Command ID: 0x01

Byte Description
1 command (0x01)
2 data length
3 ssid length
4...X ssid bytes
X password length
X...Y password bytes

Example: SSID = MyWirelessAP, Password = mysecurepassword

01 1E 0C {MyWirelessAP} 10 {mysecurepassword}

This command will generate an RPC result. The first entry in the list is an URL to redirect the user to. If there is no URL, omit the entry or add an empty string.

RPC Command: Request current state

Sends a request for the device to send the current state of improv to the client.

Type: 0x03
Command ID: 0x02

Byte Description
1 command (0x02)
2 data length (0)

This command will trigger at least one packet, the Current State (see above) and if already provisioned, the same response you would get if device provisioning was successful (see below).

RPC Command: Request device information

Sends a request for the device to send information about itself.

Type: 0x03
Command ID: 0x03

Byte Description
1 command (0x03)
2 data length (0)

This command will trigger one packet, the Device Information formatted as a RPC result. This result will contain at least 4 strings.

Order of strings: Firmware name, firmware version, hardware chip/variant, device name.

Example: ESPHome, 2021.11.0, ESP32-C3, Temperature Monitor.

RPC Command: Request scanned Wi-Fi networks

Sends a request for the device to send the Wi-Fi networks it sees.

Type: 0x03
Command ID: 0x04

Byte Description
1 command (0x04)
2 data length (0)

This command will trigger at least one RPC Response. Each response will contain at least 3 strings.

Order of strings: Wi-Fi SSID, RSSI, Auth required.

Example: MyWirelessNetwork, -60, YES.

The final response (or the first if no networks are found) will have 0 strings in the body.

Packet: RPC Result

Type: 0x04
Direction: Device to client

This packet type contains the response to an RPC command. Results are returned as a list of strings. An empty list is allowed.

Byte Description
1 Command being responded to (see above)
2 Data length
3 Length of string 1
4...X String 1
X Length of string 2
X...Y String 2
... etc